Welcome to the    Voorheesville Volunteer Fire Department   Est. 1902
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Interested in joining the Voorheesville Volunteer Fire Department?

The Voorheesville Volunteer Fire Department welcomes all to become members. We are a 100% volunteer organization that provides fire protection to the businesses and residents of the Village of Voorheesville and provides mutual aid and support to the neighboring departments in New Salem, Slingerlands, Altamont and Guilderland Center when requested.

If you have a sense of community spirit and have a desire to learn about the fire service and would like to become part of a well-respected organization, we invite you to come in and find out more.

We also encourage local persons who are 16-18 years of age to join the Department through our Junior Firefighter program, which in conjunction with the Voorheesville High School, provides a learning experience and grants Community Service credit to those who participate.

Membership Information

Prospective members are encouraged to visit the firehouse on Tuesday evenings to fill out a membership application and speak to a fire officer regarding the role and responsibilities of the members. Membership is limited to those who live within the Village or who are normally within or near the Village and can provide assistance that can benefit the Department. We especially need volunteers who can be available during weekday mornings and afternoons.

Applicants must undergo a New York State-mandated arson investigation and pass a physical (provided by the Department) prior to being sworn in.

Members participate in one business meeting on the first Tuesday of each month and weekly firematic drills on the remaining Tuesdays on a come-as-you-can basis. There are no 'required' hours or tasks, just a willingness to learn and be ready when the time comes to help in our stated mission.

Contact the Department at (518) 765-4048 (leave a message if nobody is available when you call).